Healthy Eating Plan – My Best Tips For Cravings And Eating Out

Healthy Eating Plan – My Best Tips For Cravings And Eating Out
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

Sticking to a healthy eating plan in the face of cravings, temptations, parties and restaurants is often the most challenging part of reaching your goals. If you have a plan to deal with it when reality hits, you can stay strong and healthy.

Trust me, I used to have a lot of trouble maintaining my self-control when there were freshly baked cookies around. It was especially tough when everyone around me was eating junk.

Not only did I feel like I deserved to have treats too, but I felt like if I didn’t eat junk people would think I was weird. Or – even worse – that I was silently judging them by not giving in.

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It took me a while to figure it out. Now, I can deal with my own cravings and temptations in a way that I feel good about. I also don’t get hung up so much on what other people think.

One of the main motivators for me is having a plan, and knowing that when I follow my plan I feel awesome. When I get too far off track, I start to feel rotten and I get in a rotten mood. That reinforcement is my body telling me that what I really deserve is to feel good by eating healthy foods.

Check out the strategy I laid out for more details on how to make a healthy eating plan for yourself.

Here are 8 articles with my best tips on how to follow through on those lofty goals when reality hits:

  1. How to Stick to Your Healthy Diet Plan At Restaurants and Parties
    Social pressure and temptation make it really hard to stick to a healthy diet when you go out. Plan ahead so you don’t throw yourself off too much.
  2. Healthiest Restaurant Foods – How To Choose A Healthy Restaurant
    The type of restaurant you choose can make a huge difference in whether there are healthy choices for you or not.
  3. Healthiest Restaurant Foods – What To Pick On The Menu
    Some foods at restaurants are better than others. Know what you’re looking for to keep things healthy when you go out.
  4. Healthy Eating Tips To Enjoy – But Not Overstuff – Yourself
    I wrote this for Thanksgiving, but the tips apply to any time of year when there are treats around…
  5. 6 Healthy Snack Ideas To Keep You From Pigging Out
    Snacks can make or break your determination to stick to your healthy eating plan. Have some healthy ones ready to go.
  6. When Does Comfort Food Become A Food Craving?
    It’s fine to have comfort meals every so often, but when you’re addicted to a food it’s time to find healthier options.
  7. How To Cook Healthy Meals When You Have No Time
    When you run out of time entirely, have a back up plan for pulling together healthy meals.
  8. Do You Make These Mistakes When Trying To Follow A Healthy Diet Plan?
    We all make mistakes. The important thing is that you learn from them.


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