Online Cooking Classes Starting Jan 10!

Online Cooking Classes Starting Jan 10!
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

I’m so excited to be starting online cooking classes next week! It’s a great start to my year, and I hope it’s a great start for everyone taking part.

I put together the most important parts of healthy cooking into 8 classes – a pretty compact online cooking course.

The software we’re using only allows us to have 15 people at a time (we’re hoping this number goes up in the future…), so if it sounds like something you’d be interested in you should check out these online cooking classes right now before they fill up!

If you’re wondering what the difference is between these online cooking lessons and the videos that I post every week, these are the main points:

  • You get to ask questions throughout the class
  • You’ll learn how to cook healthy food, not just recipes
  • You’ll hear a lot more of the detail and what my thought process is when I cook
  • You get a series of healthy cooking classes that cover all the basics – from breakfast to dessert, and from salads to veggie burgers

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By the end of the class, you should feel more confident in your skills in the kitchen. Confidence is the biggest difference between getting good and bad results in the kitchen.

If you have confidence in yourself, even when things don’t turn out as you planned, you can always pull out a good meal.

What do you think of my online cooking classes? Let me know below.


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