You were the catalyst that led me to give up the Doritos and steak bombs, and lose 100 pounds.”
– Steve, Peabody MA. Newly self-professed vegan yoga-obsessed maniac.

Your MEAL PLANS are simply brilliant! They are EASY to follow: the recipes are easy to make – even for kitchen challenged people like myself; they are TASTY with wonderful combinations of food that I would never have thought of putting together ever; and of course the meals are nutritious and NUTRITIONALLY BALANCED. Did I mention tasty? I did? well it stands to be mentioned again – your meals are tasty.”
– Jennifer, Richmond BC CANADA

My goal was to lose weight and I must say that I have! Since around Christmas until now I have lost almost 12 kg (26 lbs) and this is mainly due to healthy eating thanks to you. I am now back in the healthy BMI range.”
– Stefan, Belgium
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I really enjoyed your meal plan. It helped me stop grazing all day and instead eat only what was on the plan. I found that before using your meal plan I was just eating lots of healthy food thinking that I was ok because it was healthy. My portions of healthy food were big and didn’t think much about calories. Your meal plan made me see what a meal should “look like”… I’m continuing to lose weight and finally made it below 200lbs!”
– Terry, Bardstown KY

I can’t believe it is the fourth week! I’ve lost 9 pounds since changing my diet to this plan. I allowed myself to indulge one night in a more processed food and was surprised how icky I felt afterward and the next day. I’ve never been more excited to continue on this path. I feel great because of the food I’m eating and the support I am getting from you. You are providing me with the information to do what I have wanted to do for so long, but haven’t been able to successfully achieve.”
– Bridget, Minneapolis MN

I went in wanting to lose weight and after one month on the meal plan I am down 9 lbs.”
– Jackie, Tooele, UT

This is amazing, just unbelievable, priceless, wow, you have out done yourself!!! We are loving the easy planning and the fact that we can change the calories and stuff. We are getting used to things and really just blown away by the greatness of it all. This is doing our bodies so well and enjoying the numbers on the scale too. Thanks for all your hard work. It is worth it in gold for our family.”
– Alesha, Holly Springs NC

My goal was to feel healthier and hopefully loose a little weight. I lost a kilo a week for 28 days. I lost a further 6 kilos over the next six months. My cholesterol went down by nearly 2. My doctor was impressed she said whatever you are doing keep doing it. My husband did the plan with me it was great he was included in the plan. He still requests the chilli burgers.”
– Kathy, New Plymouth NZ
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I feel really good & I’m down 4.5 pounds. It was a pleasure & a lot of fun. I learned quite a bit, about foods that work for me & foods that don’t… “
– Steve, Bristol RI

Heather’s meal plans are great. The food is really good and the menus are super easy to follow. I’ve completed three of the meal plans over the last year or so and in addition to losing weight, they have helped me maintain a clean vegan diet, without getting overwhelmed.”
– Steve

I am 61 years old. I had excellent health until about age 52 when I started feeling bloated and tired and suffered from joint pain to the point that it interfered with my everyday life. I saw many doctors and specialists for years without relief. They just treated my symptoms. This summer my cholesterol was flagged at 245. The doctor advised me to go on a low fat diet. I didn’t want to start taking even more pills. I had wanted to change my eating for too many years. I started buying vegan books, but deciding where to start was overwhelming. Because of you, I feel I have successfully changed my eating for the better. After 3 weeks on your meal plan my cholesterol went down from 245 to 196, and after 4 months my cholesterol was 173. I haven’t had to take medication for acid reflux as well, and I feel my digestive system is healed from IBS. I certainly don’t need Citrucel anymore. I was recently told my complexion is smoother and I think my eyes have become more blue. My dental technician even commented that my teeth and gums are the healthiest she has ever seen. My sister who is 59 is considering eating healthier now because of the changes she has seen in me. I don’t miss eating animal products. I feel good. I am very grateful for your work. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
– Jacqueline

I started your meal plan 3 days ago and I am noticing that my skin is starting to clear up! I was in shock this morning when I woke up and saw that I had not gotten any new spots on my face!! I really hope that this continues to improve because lately my acne has been really bad. Yay!! 😀 What I really thought was funny was that even though I am not feeling great today I did not have any cravings! Usually I crave chocolate, salt etc everyday. I was so happy that you laid everything out on how to prepare the meals and portion sizes. It made it extremely easy! I am definitely looking forward to the rest of the week!”
– Jeanine

I started Friday and did everything to the tee just like you said. I feel GREAT!!!! My energy has skyrocketed, my digestive system is working great and I feel so good I almost do not want to come off of it. I plan to stick with this diet, yes I know sometimes I may slip. But the most important part is that I will get back up and keep it moving 🙂 I will keep you posted on my progress. Until then be well!!!!”
– Nadine, Newburgh, NY
Are you ready to lose the extra weight, get tons of energy, take control of your health, and never feel like you’re on a diet?
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First off I want to say a big THANK YOU for what you do. It’s truly appreciated! Secondly, I started the day after you sent all the info. I didn’t realize how addicted to sugar I was until in the late afternoon on the first day. I wanted it BAD! I’ve never felt better in my life than when I follow your meal plans.”
– Melissa, Ogden, UT

I love your website. Great info (well structured and easy to follow) and great videos, recipes etc. I have been somewhat (not exactly to a “T” with slight modifications – still staying whole and vegan) following your meal plan I purchased recently. At first I was struggling with my addiction to cheese but now I feel great. I have tons of energy and I don’t feel sluggish any more. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this.”
– Jitka, Cleveland, OH

None of the recipes are intimidating. You do not need to be a master chef to cook great meals. You never feel that you are on a diet. One is simply making nourishing meals that taste great.”
– Ian, New York

So there we are…. School with a heavy schedule and mountains of marking will start again tomorrow. But thanks to you, my meals will have already been planned…. And these meals will hopefully help take a few pounds off my hips! I have already looked at tomorrow’s meal plan. The ingredients are so “normal” that I either have them in the house already or will be able to get them in the neighborhood grocery store on the way home from work. Perfect for a working mom!”
– Barbara

The reason I bought the meal plan was to get some quick recipes for the work week that would provide balanced portions of calories and nutrients. I enjoy cooking and I have made some major changes to my diet over the last year. However, I felt that I still wasn’t getting enough nutritional food, mainly vegetables. And, as much as I enjoy being in the kitchen, my time is limited when I’m working. I sincerely feel that the meal plan has provided the information I was seeking. If you can create any recipe with squash that I’ll enjoy, that’s a major accomplishment…and you’ve done that.”
– Andrea, Fontana CA
Are you ready to lose the extra weight, get tons of energy, take control of your health, and never feel like you’re on a diet?
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I feel so powerful when I go grocery shopping! Walking into the store knowing that at least 95% of the items that are for sale are of absolutely no interest to me any more makes me feel really cocky! I’m not a political person but it pleases me to know that I’m voting with my dollars against Monsanto, their genetically-modified seeds, and their “war” against any farmer who dares to go in a different direction. And it’s all thanks to you, because even though I’ve dabbled with a vegetarian diet in the distant past, it wasn’t until I started with your meal plan that I had the information to know what to do with the food that I was bringing home. Having the meal plan has made all the difference and I’m really eager to see where all of this will take me. I have to remind myself to stop talking to people about food and cooking, which would really be laughable if you knew me! All is well.”
– Lauren, Vienna, ME

I just wanted to say that I love your plan! It’s amazing. I’m feeling really good on it. Partly because the food I’m eating is healthy and fresh and full of variety but also because, armed with your great recipes, I’m actually now in charge of cooking dinner. I’m also more confident in the choices I have been making for the kids’ diet (it’s very confirming). I never learned to cook and it’s always made me feel less of a mum (only slightly). I’ve always been good at healthy snacks and lots of fruit for the kids (who don’t eat junk food) but I’m now packing my husband’s lunch box with snacks and lunch and I’m now in charge of the family dinner (up until now he’s been the cook) and it’s really empowering. We’ve got a 1 year old and a 2 year old and the more I learn about food and nutrition the better I feel about the new life style we’re working so hard at. Your information is spot on, it’s accessible and very easy to follow, it is so healthy and so tasty. I love using all the spices. Having recently become vegan (a few months) I was worried I wasn’t fuelling my body enough and so didn’t dare try it with the kids. I even went to a nutritionist but I didn’t feel anywhere near as confident after her visit as I do with your help (and subsequent research I’ve been doing). I can’t thank you enough. But all the same, thank you :)”
– Sasha, Brisbane, Australia

Your MEAL PLANS are my particular favourite – because they are simply brilliant! They are EASY to follow: the recipes are easy to make – even for kitchen challenged people like myself; they are TASTY with wonderful combinations of food that I would never have thought of putting together ever; and of course the meals are nutritious and NUTRITIONALLY BALANCED. Did I mention tasty? I did? well it stands to be mentioned again – your meals are tasty.”
– Jennifer, Richmond BC CANADA

I admire you for all the work and thought that you have put into this. What an array of foods that are healthy and what I want and need to eat! This is a wonderful new start for me. Cookbooks just were too much for my mind trying to figure out what to cook when. Your menus seem to be easier. And by the way the Black Bean Taco Salad is to die for!!!! Your meal plan has changed my life. I could never thank you enough.”
– Susie

I often am worn out at the end of the day, and cooking balanced, delicious, inspiring meals are out of the question….”Enter Heather!!!!!” I am no longer fearful of planning my own often “un-balanced” meals, and she has taught our entire family so much! We all share in the preparation, depending on who gets home first. All we have to do is follow the pre-planned meals, or adjust to fit our needs. It couldn’t be simpler, and it’s brought us together as a family in a fun, easy, way. Thanks Heather, We love you!!!!!”
– Kathy
Are you ready to lose the extra weight, get tons of energy, take control of your health, and never feel like you’re on a diet?
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Loving the recipes so far: day 1 down and I’m soooo thinking this way of eating could be a lifestyle for me. 🙂 I have tons of cookbooks (great ones) and mark sites/recipes/etc. But I relate to you and love the ease and recipes on this plan. Thank You Thank You Heather!! :)”
((((Hugs))))) Lisa

I like the approach Heather takes, it is normal, down to earth food, and seeing as she is a sporty lady herself, she knows what an active person needs. Recipes are very tasteful and easy to make, it’s easy to substitute an ingredient if you want to swap something.”
– Mariz, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

I have made so many of Heather’s recipes and they are delicious and easy to follow! If you keep healthy staples on hand, you can put together so many of her ideas and feel full, satisfied and quite pleased with yourself!”
– Jenni in FL

Invaluable! Not only the plan covers all nutritional needs and various food sources, but the recipes are so well put together that they are simple to make for the culinary challenged like me, yet they are creative and very delicious. Thank you Heather!”
– Hani

When changing the way you eat, it is so hard. It is so important to have a good balanced meal plan to follow. Lots of meal plans are just too complicated though – your meal plans are just what I need and I am very grateful for them. Hopefully some time it will all become second nature – until then the guidance is greatly appreciated.”
– Janet, Leeds UK

Initially, I was leery of paying so much for this program. But after reading your FAQ I decided to purchase it. I have not regretted it. I have been on the plan for 2 weeks now and have enjoyed everything! Usually, I don’t like the eating plans, such as the ones on Eating Well.com. They always contain meals I am not going to eat. I don’t eat soy, so I’m glad you have not used any in your recipes. The ingredient lists are short as well as the directions. I also like the way the recipes and grocery lists can be adjusted for the number of people who will be eating the meals. So far, your plan is far above other plans I have looked at. Thank you. Like you, I don’t like a lot of seasonings and I want more streamlined recipes. And specialty ingredients, Lord knows, I have enough already and every vegan recipe I look at seems to use just one more specialty item, which as you know, can be quite expensive. Thankfully your plan is simple to use and follow. So I am most pleased with your program and look forward to losing weight and getting healthy.”
– Kat, Newport News, VA
Are you ready to lose the extra weight, get tons of energy, take control of your health, and never feel like you’re on a diet?