Thanks for another new dimension to the information you share with us. You deliver the info so clearly. It makes me realize I can really do this and bring my life back in order. I, too, look forward to the next instalment.
– Linda, Carson City, NV

This is an excellent start I am so very interested and am looking for the next issue to come. I have found you by accident a bit ago and I just love everything I see and hear from you, you have the best site going. Thank you so much for sharing your time and knowledge with us.
– Margaret, West Kelowna, BC

Thanks so much for all the lessons and for the recipes and youtube videos! It has been such a help and will continue to be more help as I try to continue to become healthier. I am excited to go through these lessons!
-Holly, Medford OR

Thanks for your great articles, they’re full of precious and clear information. The thing I specifically like about them is that they’re not aggressive. A lot of vegan and vegetarian websites tend to be, telling you that you’re not welcome if you eat meat. Yours is very well written, it’s informational and I love your videos π I’m currently following your 7 day challenge and I feel pretty good so far (I’m on day 2). I plan to stay on a vegan diet after it’s finished. I was already having a mostly vegetable/whole food oriented diet and all your articles are very valuable. Your recipes are so easy to follow and so delicious!!! Thank you very much for your excellent work! Your website really helped me to see vegan diet differently, I used to think vegans were quite extreme, but I realized that itβs just a healthy way of living. So thank you again for that.
– Gaelle, Paris, France

Thanks for all the work you do! I’m thrilled for the journey ahead, and I’ll definitely be taking all the knowledge and recipes you’re providing, with me for the rest of my new and healthy life!

I really enjoyed the series, Heather. Thanks for making it available. I learned a lot about nutrition in general and the significance of varying the foods I eat. My biggest takeaways were the importance of basing my diet on whole foods, and strategies I can use to bring that about. You’ve really inspired me to eat for long-term health and to view food as energy, rather than simply a pleasure.
– Dan, Del Rio, TX

I have enjoyed getting your emails and have really loved the videos that go along with the recipes. One thing that I have found critical to following a healthy diet is planning. I cannot start a week out without my meals planned or else that is when you run into missing ingredients and/or the need to go out to dinner or through the drive thru. Thanks for all of your information you share in your emails and website. I have also shared your site address with a few friends who have approached asking about healthier foods.
– Colleen, Camillus, NY

I am living proof that the “gradual” method works. When I became vegan 5 months ago I started out gradually eliminating the “not so good” foods and replaced them with whole fruits and vegetables. I also changed the way I cook and the oils used. It really does work! Also added some simple weight lifting, stretching, core strengthening and cardio to my weekly routine for the calorie burns and that made a HUGE difference as well. I have been having fun putting all of these elements together as you have mentioned in your articles. I have much more energy, have a better sense of well being, sleep better, lost weight, etc. There were very informative, clear and well written. I now know that it is better to eat greens when eating legumes for better digestion. Also learned that it is best to combine greens with grains. Coming from being a raw foodie, I didn’t eat many grains/beans. Now, I am incorporating more grains/beans into my eating plan. Thank you so much for this educated, valuable information.
– Kim, Dade City, Florida

Your website and information delivery is quite clear, and the food combining ties in nicely with other materials I have been reading. Thank you for this lesson. I will try to drink smaller amount of water more frequently, as I tend to get absorbed in a task and forget to drink water for hours. I like how organized the site it, and your food photos are just fine! Thank you so much for sharing with us!
– Diana, McMinnville, Oregon

Wonderful channel and I just loved the exercise video, it spoke to me somehow. π I love working out and have been consistent with it for years, but sadly my love for junk food is far greater. I’ve decided that after seeing your video and really reflecting on my eating habits, that it is now time to make a serious change! Starting today I will give 100 percent dedication to doing better as a vegan! Thank you so much for this most inspiring video.
– Felisha, Rancho Belago, California

Hello, Heather, Hi, I’ve just recently discovered your website(s) and ever since then I’ve loved your tips, tricks, and recipes. I really enjoy watching all your videos you send out and it’s helped me help my mom so much! I just wanted to thank you for your work!
– Sincerely, Haleena, Topeka KS

Dear Heather, I am so grateful for both your websites and blogs. It is difficult to switch from a S.A.D. diet to one of health and wellness. I feel like an addict at times! Trying to detox my body from years of too much sugar, refined flour and saturated fat has not been easy. Your videos and blog posts are a constant source of encouragement as well as information. I can’t believe I get all this great info for free!! You are truly amazing.
– April, California

Thank you for this video — I learned a lot watching you build this salad. You always convince me that it is so simple – yet, I have to admit, without your guidance, I would not have thought to put these ingredients together…..and the part about putting it into a wrap? Genius! Love that idea! Thanks, Heather.

HEAVENLY!!! who doesn’t love spaghetti?! it’s even vegan! I had troubles making formed vegan meatballs(we opt for soyless…) and you just made my life easier w/ this recipe. That’s why we luv ya!!! Thanks for all the magnanimous tips, you just don’t know the impact you make to better people’s lives like ours. p.s. your millet pizza is a hit!
-:) Blessings to you, Mumsy

I’m a brand new subscriber to your channel and just wanted to say thank you for your awesome videos. I love that there is an emphasis on nutrition and I am excited to try out many of the recipes. (I’ll be making the cilantro pesto wraps tonight!) After 26 years as a vegetarian, I just became vegan a few weeks ago and was a bit overwhelmed at first, wondering what in the world I’d be able to eat without starving or dying of boredom from salads. Having access to videos like yours makes this so much easier! So thank you, thank you. Keep up the awesome work!
-Brooke, California

Wow Heather, since last time we spoke (5 days ago), I followed your advice to the T and tips from your “foods to help gain weight” video. Since then I’ve gained weight (3lbs), slowly but surely. Recovery from training got much better as well. So far I’m just amazed at what eating no meat/dairy/animal products has done to my body and mind in so little time. It’s your devotion and dedication to vegan nutrition that really sparked my interest in it and you gave me enough confidence to actually make a change in my eating habits with quick and easy, yet nutritious and delicious recipes. Since then, I eat better, I feel better, I function better, I sleep better, I train harder and I enjoy food a whole lot more throughout my day. I went from uninformed and insecure to well equipped and thrilled about my new regimen. I’m probably not the only one nor the last one you will provide this life shift, but I wanted to stress how grateful I really am for your videos and your replies. On a last note, witnessing you share your passion is inspiring and for that reason alone your videos are gold to me. Thank you π
-MichaΓ«l, Gatineau QC, Canada

Hi Heather! A little more than two months ago, I started eating a vegan diet to cleanse myself, to lose weight, and to start putting into my body what I think is best for it. Long before that, I was subscribed to your channel, watching all of your videos, and becoming informed about vegan cooking and the health benefits of vegan eating. Since then, I have never felt better! Between the huge amount of dance I’m doing and being vegan, I have lost 10 pounds already, I feel 1000% better, and I have so much more energy. I really credit you with giving me the push I needed to get to where I am, and to where I am going! Subscribing to your channel was really the first big step for me in becoming informed, and inspiring me to do what I am doing now. For all of this, I want to send you my thanks. Keep up your lovely channel, and I wish you lots of health and lots of good eating! π
– Andrew

I am still learning and am very grateful for all your information. I can now get back into my jeans after only a few weeks and look forward to feeling better and being smaller. Thank you so much
– Jacqueline

I have recently become a vegetarian and mostly vegan actually. I have cut meat down to about 15% of my diet over the last year and 3 weeks ago I stopped eating meat altogether as I educated myself more from information such as the works of Dr Max Gerson, Dr Essestyn and Dr Colin Campbell just to name a few. It’s amazing how uninformed we really are as a society. The more I know he more infuriated I become! Anyway I have read many sites as you can imagine and none of them has been as easy to digest as your site. Your information has literally help me transform my health and help me with recipes to build a foundation of proper nutrition. Thank you for your marvelous help as you have truly indeed made a difference in my whole perception of nutritional balance. Keep up the great work and you are truly a hidden gem and I now tell all my friends to subscribe!

I loved the oatmeal! I had it every day for breakfast for two weeks, since I just couldn’t get enough of it π It was really nifty of you to suggest a novel idea such as soaking oats overnight (as opposed to actually cooking them…man, what an idea!) to create a cool summer recipe (which I appreciate with the rising heat down here on the border) that requires little effort (which I also appreciated) that was delectable and healthy…real soul/comfort food π
– Dan, Del Rio, TX

I did a lot of your recipes and they are all great especially the veggie burger since it taste great and take no time to make. The ready made at the store taste awful are unhealthy and they cost 6$ for 4 quite a shame, since i am vegan i mostly eat veggie burger when i am invited to bbq. Anyway you really did teach me how to cook vegan food, thanks for that your the best!
– Alex

All of your lessons and resources are fantastic. I especially love the “food list” and “food combining guidelines”. I kind of know most of those things, but they help to remind me and focus on eating healthier and also give motivation. Thank you! Now I’m off to finish lentil burgers. Yum π
-Kate, Poland

I have tons of ideas thanks to you. I didn’t know how to organize my eating, but watching you on youtube, other websites and your cooking classes I’ve learned a lot. Next week I’m starting your meal plan and I’m really excited. Thanks for making a vegan diet so easy!

I just wanted to send a quick message to thank you so very much. You’ve been most helpful in my transition from vegetarian to vegan. Though I am still in the transitional stages, I always check your website for helpful information and recipes. My husband has been a bit tricky in understanding, but is more than happy with the meals I have been making for our family. You and your website have helped so much along the way, so I just wanted to thank you so much for all the information you’ve given me. And I hope you have a very happy day! π
– Nada, Cambridge, England

Hi, I have just watched a bunch of your shows on my roku ‘healthy food’ channel. I have been a vegetarian from time to time. I have always struggled with my weight. I am in position to try harder to lose some weight and eat better. I don’t really like the idea of eating meat. I am counting on you to help me by watching all your videos and researching and reading your website and the helps you have posted and emailed. I will save up to be able to talk (consultation) to you to help me with training and staying on track. You have already been a very positive influence. Thank you for what you do….it is a wonderful service. I will be a captive audience and take your advice and try to learn how to do better in my choices. When I lose weight I will have a big celebration to honor all you will have done for me….and I’m sure, thousands of others. I am already a big fan.
– Ron, Middletown, OH

My name is Mikaela. Ever since I came across you outstanding videos, as well as your wonderful website, I have felt obligated to say Thank you. You have been my primary source for information on veganism. Everytime I watch one of your videos, my motivation to become fully vegan continues to grow (I am currently a vegetarian). You make it so that converting is no longer a scary or daunting task. You are truly an amazing person, and one of my primary role models. In fact, through your videos, as well as additional research, I have become seriously interested in going to school for holistic nutrition.
-Warmest Regards, Mikaela

I just recently subscribed to your blog. I love your emails!!! They are so enlightening and educational. I find myself telling my friends and family all that I’m learning from you. Thank you for the time and thought you put into each one. A year ago, I took animal products out of my diet for health reasons, and your emails are so affirming and encouraging. I find myself thinking “Yeah! I really not crazy!” Thanks for all that you do!!!
– Lindsay

Thank you so much for all your videos and posts and emails!! Just cannot describe how much I appreciate them! I am addicted to your videos and recipes and you play such an important role in my health. Struggling with health issues and no insurance, so what a better way to fix the foundation of my body than by altering my intake to a healthier, more balanced diet. I am noticing huge (positive) differences in my blood sugars after struggling with diabetes for the last 30 odd years. So, again – Thank you! (even though “thank you” is an understatement!)

Thanks for all you do Heather. I started a journey of changing my nutrition about 5 weeks ago β 70% green vegetables, 20% fruit, 10% legumes and beans and non-green vegetables (all percentages approximate). I cut out all dairy, sugars, breads, red meat (still eat a serving of chicken or fish about once a week), processed carbs. I’m feeling better than I have in 20 years, and can see this as my diet for the rest of my life. Your lessons, suggestions, tips and information are valuable and timely for me. I really appreciate you, and am glad I ran into you and your site.
– Best regards, James

Your work is so complete and wonderful! I started watching your videos and then expanded to your video seminar and then your amazing blog! By far, I have found your information to be open and inclusive with a wealthο»Ώ of research. Thank you for sharing your passion!
– pawloskys

I just want to say that I think you are awesome! I just discovered your Youtube Channel and this website and I’m already learning a lot. I feel inspired to learn more about being vegetarian/vegan. I am very interested in purchasing your plan and I will do it as soon as I get a job and can afford it. It’s really cool to know that there are people like you sharing the knowledge so we can lead a better life. It’s truly inspiring. I wish you all the success in the world!
– Cecilia

I have been reading your bit about oils and toxicity. Wow – what an eye opener. Every time I think I need to pick up a bag of tortilla chips – I think through the fats and am learning to make other choices most of the time. I am loving having more fresh fruits and veggies – which is great. I am really loving learning to cook with whole grains. I wanted to express my appreciation by sharing how you’ve contributed to my healthy changes.

Hi Heather! Thank you so much for all that you do to help us eat better! I am newly vegan and am doing really ok with it because of all of your great recipes and demonstrations. I love watching your videos because they show how simple it really is. But you give a lot of helpful tips that I wouldn’t know otherwise. I have been experiencing frequent bloating and am not losing weight the way I would have thought, considering such a radical change in eating (from SAD to mostly vegan). Please keep doing what you’re doing! You are making a difference for a LOT of people!

Heather can I just say …thank you. I receive your emails and simply file them in my HEALTHY EATING FOLDER !!!! Finally after being diagnosed with extremely high cholesterol at the age of 48 I have to do something overnight or go on tablets. I now feel I have a bank of resources from you to help me every day work through a good eating plan. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years but have always wanted to become a vegan. You are the first person ever over all those years who makes vegan food seem easy to me!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH
– Nicky π

You’re the best!! π I’m so happy your focus is on healthy balance. Your site has helped me so much with digestion, energy, exercise and especially cooking! And I’ve been a strict vegetarian for many years π Thanks for putting things in real-life terms!!! but never lowering the bar on your recommendations. I got that Blissful Bites book over the holiday. Very excited to make some things the bf will enjoy too π Just saying thanks
– Denise

Well my first crop of Alfalfa sprouts grew so beautiful!! This was my first time and I am amazed! They are in the fridge and smell really nice and fresh. I have another jar brewing. 1 teaspoon made plenty for 4 or 5 days. Thank you so much for all your help. I never would have been so successful if I hadn’t found your web site. The health food store was very vague on how to make them. Thank you so much.

My conversion to being a vegan is going to be slow, but will be in part to all of the recipes and other help you offer at H.E.S.H. Thank you Heather! Keep up the videos…I love them!
– Darren

Hey Heather! I just wanted to let you know that I love your site! I found it on youtube and I have been watching all your videos and taking lots of notes. I have been having a lot of health issues, the biggest being chronic lyme disease, and it is taking a toll on my life. I have no energy, my doctor keeps putting me on pill after pill and I feel toxic. I am slowly making my switch to being a vegan and I am so excited to start using some of your suggestions. You are such an inspiration! I hope to continue to learn more about being healthy and hopefully starting to feel better. With your help I feel confident I can make significant changes to improve not only my health but also the environment!
– Jeanine, California, Maryland

Hello! I just wanted to thank you for this great website. I just discovered you the other day when I typed in a Google search for vegan apple crisp or some such thing, and I was amazed at all of the wonderful information you offer here. I long for the lifestyle you seem to live and am trying to make it happen. I’m already a long-time vegetarian, soon-to-be full-time vegan, but I have longed to connect with people of like mind. Thank you for putting yourself out there for us! I’m looking forward to reading your blogs and trying your recipes.
– Christie, New Hampshire

Hi Heather, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of nutritious plant based foods and healthy lifestyle habits. I always look forward to your e-mails.
– Dina

I changed my diet six weeks ago from one laden with eggs, fish, pork, ham, bacon, steaks, burgers, butter, and oh how I loved sausage of all types. It was the typical American diet. I went straight to vegan for two reasons; my physician suggested medication was in order to lower my cholesterol and I read “The China Study” by Campbell. My total cholesterol dropped from 253 to 154, and my LDL (bad) cholesterol has dropped from 169 to 80 in 6 weeks. Next I’ll work on weight loss–I’ve actually gained 5 pounds on a Vegan diet–and exercise. I’ve enjoyed the French toast, but it makes too much and I must find a way to reduce almost all portions as my vegan cooking is for one person. Thank you for sending your newsletter. Please keep them coming. I’ve been eating and enjoying your recipes.
– Cal, Ames Iowa

Each time you encourage that this healthy way of eating is obtainable, I believe more and more it is true for me. Appreciation and thanks are just starting points for the hope and knowledge you having given to me. Please keep up the “healing” work you do.
– Rebecca, Seminole, FL

My name is Katie, I’m 17 years old and I live in Vienna, Austria. I stumbled across one of your youtube videos shortly after ‘going vegan’ myself, and was very impressed. You’re a very likeable person and unlike many people on the internet, you provide helpful and interesting info, tips and tricks which are easy to incorporate into anyone’s daily life! I look forward to your future videos, keep up the awesome work!
– Katie, Vienna, Austria

I started watching your videos two months ago. Thank you so much for all the effort and work you put into your research/recipes/videos, it’s really appreciated π I’m a strict vegetarian for almost 4 years (almost vegan) and I’m looking for a complete vegan lifestyle and your videos, tips and advice are very inspirational! Keep up the great work because it’s really worth it, I’m sure you’re inspiring many people the same way you’re inspiring me. I’m looking forward to the next videos!
– Aline, Portugal, Europe

I think you are the greatest! You always give clear and concise information. I have watched every one of your videos! You keep me inspired and I appreciate all of the great information that you continue to give π
– Gia, Las Vegas, Nevada

I just wanted to say thank you so much for posting these videos and sharing your recipes and everything. It has really inspired me to take control of my life and eating habits. And this might sound weird, but to watch your videos is like having a friend that is always there to say “you can do it, keep staying strong!” So ya, I just wanted to tell you that you are having a huge impact on people you don’t even know! and keep up the good work π
– Ruthie Tenstrike, Minnesota

Just dropping you a note to thank you for all the hard work you put into your site. Since I’ve discovered your site I have lost 7 kilos following the information and recipes you have given me. I should add that I am a type 2 diabetic and becoming vegan has helped me greatly with bringing my blood sugar levels down and keeping them down. Keep up the awesome work.
– Roz, Auckland, New Zealand

Just wanted to say thanks again for all the info. Iβve gone from eating meat 3 times a day as well as fast food a lot to eating mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. Iβve lost 55 lbs since thanksgiving. the weight is awesome, but Iβm doing it to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure a longer, happier life! you are a big factor in the results. seeing your recipes on youtube and also your websites keep me motivated. keep up the good work, and so will I.
– James, Maryland

But I just wanted to say thanks very much for directing me to Heather’s site. This morning I spent a little more time perusing it, and there is a wealth of information there. I also got more of a feel for what she’s about, and I STRONGLY identify with her approach to diet and health. Wonderfully holistic, open and integrative. Just great stuff.
-Matt, Ontario

Your site is the core to my new get healthy and lose weight venture.
– Leslie, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Thank you for your support and all the fantastic resources you provide us. I know I’ve already said it to you, but the best thing I like about your websites, besides the excellent quality of the information and the delicious recipes, is that you welcome everybody, meat eater, vegetarians and vegans. And you often repeat that you don’t force anybody to do what you say, that you encourage people to find what is good for them, because we all are different. So thank you Heather for your open-mindedness, your smile and everything that makes your websites so nice!
-:)- Gaelle, Paris, France

Hey, I just wanted to say that i’m so thankful to find you online. I’ve looked everywhere online for recipes that will give him all the nutrients he needs and well no luck until i found you. Pretty much everything you add to the foods you make, my husband can eat. My frustration has gone down a lot and I just want to thank you so much. Thanks for making vegan recipes easy and fun. Also affordable.
– Yoana, Sun City CA

Thank you for your recipes. I will be trying few of them this week. My husband and I were meat eaters and we have turned vegetarian now. We thought that vegetarians donβt have enough choices but thoughts changed when we were watching veg dishes on youtube and clicked your vegan varieties…now Iβm planning to eliminate dairy as well.your recipes are awesome and the way you present them is really good. best wishes!!!
– Kuljeet, Melbourne Australia

Love your videos, recipes and the way you explain things!! Keep making our vegan/vegetarian world beautiful and easy to cook!
-:) XOXO Rashmi

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the time and effort you put into your videos, and also the amount of though you put into your recipes. So many “youtube-vegan-chefs” rely on soy/tofu, vegan cheese, vegan butter, while there’s a place for that, that’s never been what I’ve looked for. I’m not a great cook by any means, but I can make fake cheese dishes, especially with store-bought fake-vegan cheese. Your videos are just incredibly inspiring, through your videos I’m motivated to add more veggies to what I eat, to look in the fridge when I’m making snack rather than in the pantry. It’s through your channel that I started thinking of herbs as greens, and not just as flavor. Your ideas, you approach (not being set, not preaching ‘one way only’) is so comforting. I feel free to explore. Thank you so much! You’re an inspiration in many ways, Heather, I hope you realize that!
– Neena, California

Heather, There are no words to describe how truly amazing you are! Thank you sooo much for helping us with your snazzy tips, tricks & ideas. You are an awesome person.
– Elissa, Austin, Texas

Just wanna say thanks as your site has literally been holding my hand & helping me get out of many years of eating unhealthy foods even as a vegetarian I was not eating healthy! I don’t think I will ever need to buy veggie burgers again as these were great, the lentil burgers lasted me a few weeks and the portobello’s are perfect for bbq’s where I’m the only vegetarian and saving me money on expensive processed foods. Thank you and keep up the great work!
– Vinessa

Just wanted to thank you for what youβre doing and let you know itβs making a huge impact on me! Iβve always hated to cook; itβs stressful and intimidating for meβso I havenβt eaten the way I really want to eat until just recently. Thank you so much–youβre an inspiration!
– Victoria

I have made this soup (Asian soup 3 times now. It is the best soup I have ever had. I made it for friends and dropped it off at their house. Partway through their meal they phoned to say how delicious it was and big thank you.
– Debb

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that I have been “cooking with you” almost every night since January. I love all your recipes, and my partner loves her new gourmet chef wife. π She’s sending you a big thank you also!
– Marta

Your recipes are absolutely to die for. Thank you SO much for making it so easy (and fun!) to be a vegan. I used to be the poster child for a typical Alberta beef eating family, but I opened my mind and started looking into veganism to help my acne. I absolutely adore being vegan. I’m so happy I’ve had such a change of heart and you have been a huge help in that! I love watching your videos, I’m actually planning on making the creamy garlic sauce for quinoa tonight for supper:) Anyways, just wanted to thank you for all that you do, and let you know how awesome you are!!

Vegan/Nutritarian eating since last June 26, 2011. We love how we feel and look. Your videos on you tube have helped me so much! π Here in Alaska we have to wait till summer for local organic veggies. Then I am in heaven π thank you again, I continue to learn right here!
– Tootsie

So happy to have discovered your website π I just made a batch of oatmeal cookies and they are sooo yummy! What a great video and recipe! SIMPLE AND QUICK AND HEALTHY! THANK YOU!
– Patricia

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cheryl, I am 61 and I live outside Chicago. I began a vegan lifestyle when I turned 40 with no training. I am so glad as I begin my second season of my life to have come across your web. You are passionate about health with a beautiful balance of lightness and fun. I truly enjoy seeing the video as you create with the added educational comments. You are definitely giving people the opportunity to make informed decisions about their health by what they put into their bodies. Thank you for the empowerment! May you be blessed richly.
– Cheryl, Chicago

I discovered you 10 months ago with the millet-beetο»Ώ burgers recipe video. Although I am not a vegetarian, I find the way you combine the ingredients mostly inspired, clever and extremely tasteful. Another interesting is that your ideas stimulate and encourage more and more variations of the initial recipe. Now this (tahini salad) dressing is really great,I also added-what else-a garlic clove. Excellent reason-along with your avocado dressing- to cheat on my great love, olive oil! thanks!
– Anonymous

Made this (vegan butternut squash soup) yesterday and could have eaten the whole pot!!!! So very very good. I have had a lot of bloopers since trying to change my diet but have had great success with every recipe of yours. Thanks so much.
– – Sandi

I made this (vegan sweet potato soup) a few days ago – ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!!!!!! I mixed up a quick batch of baked zucchini fries to go with it, was all so delicious!!! thanks for providing such a fun and easy way to make soup, jam packed with nutrients!!! definitely putting this in the rotation!!
– Karen

I have made this (vegan butternut squash soup) twice in the past week. I improvised on ingredients due to what I had on hand yesterday & it still came out wonderful! Thanks Heather! I can’t wait to share your web-site with my step-daughter who will be having dinner with us on Sunday!
– Barbara

Love your recipe for hummus, I am going to make this one tonight. My daughter and I have just recently gone vegan. I am learning and enjoying your videos so much. Thank you!
– Liz

This was fantastic, we ate this dish (vegan stuffed mushrooms) with a combo of the Moroccan Chickpea Stew served on top of the Vegetarian Quinoa (added some of the peanut sauce to spice it up). we are having so much fun your recipes. Thanks so much for sharing your passion with us.
– Doug

I really like that you demonstrate how to prepare the recipes. Last night I made a batch of the Miso dressing you e-mailed. It was soooo tasty. I love that it is healthy and low fat too. I was looking for a Miso dressing and voila, then came your email. Thanks again!! (Your exercise videos have inspired me to get outside to the park and do them on the grass like you did but alas, not today, its raining here!)
– Dina, Mississauga ON

Been looking for a more recipes with cabbage instead of soups…gonna try this during the week I love your recipes because they are so simple and not complicated and me not being a professional when it comes to cooking trust me simple is all that works for me lol being vegan has had it’s challenges but you have great ideas ! Thanks so much.
– Katrina

I used this recipe to make my first apple and rhubarb crumble and it turned out amazing! It was super tasty and filling, I over cooked the fruit a little by accident so it had an unusual form, but still tasted great all the same =)
– Gracie

Love this dressing! So simple and easy to make. Makes anything I throw into a salad taste good. Still learning to cook for one person so this is a recipe that makes life easier when you don’t want to spend too much time on what to make for dinner. I love this dressing over veggies and quinoa. A quick and yummy meal when I get home after a long day! Thanks Heather!
– Merle, Victoria BC

I have commented on a few of your recipes before and this is yet another one I absolutely LOVE! I use this dressing to go with my homemade coleslaw (with raw cabbage, carrots, apple, onion). It works very well for this purpose and my omnivore friends and family rave about this recipe. I made this last night for my Mom’s birthday and she asked to take some home. It’s also gluten free if made with GF version of tamari and my Mom has Celiac disease so she really appreciated this. This is a go to dressing I also use for some pita style sandwiches. Thanks for sharing this recipe! Everyone thinks I am a terrific cook but I just follow great recipes I find from vegan blogs. π Whoever thinks being vegan is hard just hasn’t explored these blogs. π It’s been just over six months for me so far and I have never looked back.
– Elaine

I love your website. I appreciate the videos and the recipes. I am a new vegan, going cold turkey from being a bigtime meat and dairy eater to a plant based diet. I have used your site as one of my primary sources for making healthy vegan meals. Its a wonderful resource. Thank you so much. It really is helping me succeed in this goal of a healthy vegan lifestyle.
– Jim

Hello, my husband and I recently moved to a vegan diet. Your videos help me so much, we tried one tonight (I usually DO NOT like black-eyed-peas) and we both liked this recipe a lot! You can do miracles if you can make those things taste good! Thanks so much!
– Suzy

Looks delicious, healthy as usual, and entertaining to watch. I love the healthy tid-bits that you impart on all of your videos, like some facts on the nutritional yeast you gave in this video. I am such a fan of your presentational style and since I am new to the Vegan lifestyle, it is good to see someone who promotes this healthy lifestyle without being a bit nutty, flakey, preachy, or dogmatic. God bless you and your husband and consider me a sincere fan.
-Sam, Mims, Florida

I just made this today, and I am just floored as to how good it is. I didn’t believe that one could use just a small amount of oil for all those veggies, but my word! Healthy, light tasting and vegan! I love your all of your recipes because they make me think outside of the box in terms of typical vegan dishes. I like that they’re not soy-centric (nothing wrong with that, of course). Thank you for offering us healthy, vegan recipes that help us redefine vegan cuisine!
– Stephen, Brooklyn, NYC

I just wanted to say that I love your sites and videos. I have been trying to transition from vegetarian to vegan for a few months and with the help from you I think I can. I love watching your cooking videos and can’t wait to try out some recipes. Thank you for taking the time to help so many of us =) This is exactly what I have been looking for and the type of support I have needed for so long =)
– Summer, Graham, WA

I just have to tell you how much I LOVE your website!!! It is one of the most informative and healthy sites I have yet to see!!! I am so grateful for the recipes you share and look forward to trying all of them as they are cruelty-free/vegan!!! Absolutely LOVE it!!! Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge and expertise!!!
– Dianne, Calgary, Alberta

I’m a meat eater who loves vegetables (and is now getting to love them more and more). I discovered your site completely by accident the other day. I just made this and it’s absolutely terrific! It also happens to be the first time I’ve tried kale π I’m looking forward to exploring a healthier lifestyle with you, and thank you so much!!!
– Dan, Del Rio, TX

My husband and I had all 3 girls out for the evening. I had the ingredients on hand and needed to feed my hard working hubby…so I gave this a try. It was the most fun I’d had cooking in a long time. How nice to have someone demonstrate first! The meal was fabulous, my husband, who doesn’t even like zucchini ate it up and enjoyed it. PS. I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure, and was glad to see you recommend using sea salt, the other is too overly processed and should be avoided like the plague. Keep up the good work!
– Bruce, Ontario, CANADA

I have been wanting to email you, so this is the perfect opportunity to tell you how much I LOVE your website!!! The videos are a great addition to each recipe and I feel like I am right there in the kitchen with you. I have been viewing your website/videos for about 4 months and enjoy everything about them. You are friendly, fun loving, informative, thorough and a great teacher.
– Kim, Dade City, Florida

Just wanted to let you know that you’ve made one more person happy with your site π I’m somewhat of a vegan blog addict, but I feel that yours really stands out. I love the combination of healthy and tasty recipes, handy instruction videos and especially the nutritional info. Thanks for the inspiration!
– Kristel, Netherlands

I would like to congratulate you on this fantastic website that both you and your husband have created. I have tried several recipes and they are really nice. I suffer from a rare disease, TMAU, which treatment consists of basically a vegan diet and even though at the beginning this was devastating, itΒ΄s websites like yours that are really helpful and offer wonderful ideas on what to eat.
– Natalia Clarke, Bristol, UK

Thank you so much for what you are doing with this channel…also I love the fact that you are on a mission to do something good in the world, and the importance of feeding the body properly, while so important for full health on all levels of being, is so often overlooked…many many blessings to you and your husband and family and please! keep the wonderful recipes coming, sister!! π
– Vanessa

I just became a vegan on Saturday and just found your website today (Tuesday) and I was there for a good 2 or so hours watching videos lol Im so excited to try almost all you recipes but theres so many I don’t know which to start with! Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to make these videos and ur website is awesome. Much appreciated
– Roy, San Antonio, Texas

I love the videos and it’s making my transition into the vegan world much easier!!
– Melissa

You have a lot of easy INEXPENSIVE healthy recipes. I tried the spaghetti and “meatballs”…..lovedο»Ώ the seasoning in it. I just became vegan a month ago and appreciate your recipes and health advice π Thanks!! I really appreciate that you’re doing this. There’s a lot of stereotypes and misinformation out there about veganism. This totally proves how healthy, delicious, and inexpensive it can be π I really like the fact you use a lot of wholefoods on your recipes. I know I can go try to make any recipe vegan but appreciate the awareness on food we choose. So thanks again!
– Juanita, Dallas, Texas.

Having your show has been instrumental in answering my first question when considering a vegan diet – what do vegan eat? Much appreciation! I really appreciate your advice. Watching your show has made me want to be not just a vegan but a healthy vegan. Blessings to you and yours.
– April

I have tried several of your recipes and I love them all. I just happen to stumble upon your website. Love it! It was just what I was looking for. Healthy, vegan recipes. There are many vegan websites but most of them are not very healthy. Thanks and please keep up the good work.
– Glenda, Waco, Texas

Thank you for all your videos. your recipes are appetizing, versatile and so easy to follow! Any dessert recipes coming upο»Ώ in the future? I’d love a vegan blueberry pie recipe, or any vegan pie for that matter!
– Clara, NYC

The vegan french toast looks great. To date, I have really enjoyed the simplicity of your cooking and it has given me a lot of guidance, particularly in terms of nutritional balance. I am a meat eater with vegan sympathies, so I now cook vegan/vegetarian for myself and eat what people cook for me when out. Your website and the 7 day challenge has given me lots of good information so I can make informed choices about balanced eating. Thanks for all your hard work, it’s great.
– Jacqui, Sydney, Australia

I’m so pleased to find easy vegan cooking. I’m a busy wife, mother, full-time teacher, and M.Ed. student. The resource I don’t have is time. Your website will really help us move toward a healthier and more responsible lifestyle. I thank you wholeheartedly for sharing your expertise with the world. I could not lead my family in this direction without you!
– Melanie, Northern Ontario

You’ve *definitely* got the best vegan recipes on Youtube. I think your subtle sense of humor is great. You are making my conversion to veganismο»Ώ much more enjoyable! Thank you very much.
-Chuk, YouTube Subscriber

I’m actually only just starting out with my vegan diet, so it’s new to me, but I’m enjoying it so far, and do feel much healthier. Love the vegan food recipes! Thank you for posting!
YouTube Subscriber

Please please don’t stop making vegan cooking videos. I love these videos! I’m a vegan guy but luv watchin vegan vids and yours is one of the few channels on youtube.
YouTube Subscriber