Cleanse Supplement Recommendations

Cleanse Supplement Recommendations
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

These are some supplements that can be useful in boosting the activity of a cleanse, and help in balancing certain systems. If you’re not sure what’s right for you, email me about an online consultation.

General Cleanse Supplements

These will help boost your digestion generally, which is what will assist your body in clearing anything that has built up over the years, and speed up the action of your cleanse:


Probiotics are important if you’ve taken antibiotics in the past 3 months to re-establish healthy gut flora. If you notice a lot of bloating and gas, particularly when you have sugar, this is a sign that you need to rebalance your gut flora with probiotics:

Specific Cleanse Supplements

Note: These are only if you’ve gotten specific recommendations that you should be cleansing a specific target area. If you haven’t had a recommendation, stick with the ones above.

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