How to not suck on camera

How to not suck on camera
Heather Nicholds, C.H.N.

It took me a while to get comfortable on camera. I still have moments where I get metal blanks staring into the lens. But I know now how to get over that, how to roll naturally when I’m live and how to re-shoot quickly when I’m recording. It took time, and I’m still constantly learning.

The only way to start is to start. It took me 6 years to get here. I made mistakes – lots of mistakes! Some of my old videos make me cringe when I watch them now. That’s ok. I still get great feedback on them, and although they never disappear they were done with integrity and positivity. So my hair might not look very good, I might have said ‘um’ too many times, but there wasn’t any harm done.

And there are times that I watch older videos and marvel at my brilliance! I learn a lot watching my own older videos, and incorporate pieces that I haven’t mentioned in while.

I didn’t wait until I was perfect.

I didn’t start with pro-level gear or lighting.

(Sometimes I film with just my smartphone)

I don’t have a studio set or professional kitchen.

Perfect isn’t engaging, particularly on YouTube. REAL is engaging. Martha Stewart is popular, but what people really connect with is someone who comes across as real, not scripted. And you don’t need to be Martha Stewart to make a difference in peoples’ lives.

More important than perfect is creating useful, engaging, compelling content.
You want to sound professional, but also relatable.

3 tips to get more comfortable on camera:

1. Talk as if you’re talking to a friend. Picture someone you want to share your information with, say what you would to them directly.

2. Film alone. Having people around, whether nearby or in the background, can make you nervous, not as comfortable.

3. Dance. Loosen up physically and mentally before you hit record. (Bonus: this can also make for good blooper reel footage.)

Video Production and Editing Workshop

I can’t teach you everything about getting comfortable on camera in a short video. It really does just take practice. And it helps if your practice goes out to people other than just your family and friends before it hits the world.

If you share only with your family, they’ll be too nice, and won’t challenge you.
If you share with the whole world, it can be really daunting, and they’re likely to be critical, which leaves you feeling bad.

What I really wish I’d had back when I started was someone to guide me – or even better, a group to get mutual support and learn from.

To make that happen for you, I want to invite you to join me for an online workshop, and join the group I’m creating.

Video Production and Editing Workshop

It covers everything you need about the technical side and your technique:

  • how to film
  • gear you need (and gear you don’t need)
  • how to edit, quickly and painlessly
  • how to publish (to YouTube, and also to Facebook, Vimeo, and hosting live events)
  • more depth on how to get comfortable on camera – and what to do if you just can’t put your face on camera but still want to create videos

Part of what makes you comfortable on camera is knowing that you can do all of this technical stuff. It gives confidence, knowing that you’re creating really good videos. Not perfect pro-level, but engaging, compelling, interesting – REAL.

Click over to learn more.

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